Chunk Honey


The best of both worlds! Both cut comb and liquid honey.

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This is for those who want the best of both worlds! 4 ounces of cut comb honey swimming in 16 ounces of sweet liquid honey makes you prepared for every occasion. What makes our honey unique? A variety of things! First, unlike most beekeepers, we never feed our bees sugar. We take less honey from them and if they do need support in the winter months, we feed them back their own honey stored in frames. Our remote location allows us to produce a very unique honey—one that is not influenced by commercial agriculture and instead contains a diverse mixture of all of the plants that flower around the homestead—from our own fruit trees to the wild irises that grow in the forest. Further, this honey is only filtered for large particles (like wax) and still contains pollen, propolis, and all of the active compounds that are often destroyed when honey is heated by other producers. No electricity goes into the harvesting process- everything is by hand.  And lastly, we take a more “hands off” approach and allow the bees to just be! We don’t use equipment that disrupts their hives, like queen excluders, and we minimize our hive inspections. Our honey is truly unique and very rich in flavor