About Us

Hello! We're Drake & Emily

Drake is a doctor of biochemistry who needed more time and space to conduct experiments than he could have ever had in academic labs. Emily is a hospice nurse who needed to extend her care to the living things that would be directly involved in nourishing her life.

Together, we sought a more purposeful relationship with our existence on this wonderful planet than we could find in the typical 9-to-5 lifestyle. We wanted an existence where we knew what we were consuming, why we were consuming it, and where it was coming from. We knew this would allow us a deeper connection with the earth and instill a greater mindfulness about our impacts and the choices we would make,  allowing us to desegregate between the concepts of enjoyment and effort in our lives!

So in 2020, we said goodbye to our three bedroom home in the city, bought an RV and moved it onto 12 cares in the countryside of the beautiful state of Oregon. Thus began our homesteading journey- and we haven’t looked back since!

We spent a year growing our first farm to include a wide assortment of animals: chickens, rabbits, ducks, geese, horses, dogs, bees and cats. Meanwhile, we worked to turn a fallow field into a productive garden that kept us very busy and fed us, our friends, and our family! After a year of embracing this lifestyle, we felt happier, healthier, and ready to commit to a more permanent place. We found the perfect property to support our continued growth, consisting of 20 acres nestled in the misty hills southwest of Eugene, and we have come to know this wonderful home as Mountain in the Mist.


When we’re not on the farm, we can usually be found exploring the stunning Cascade mountains: skiing, biking, foraging, or backpacking. You also might find us dancing the night away at concerts and festivals or adventuring abroad in far away corners of the world, seeking to learn from other cultures and participate whole-heartedly in different ways of life!

Now that we’ve established this permanent location for our homestead, we are thrilled to be able to open up the space for rejuvenating stays, offer experiential homesteading activities, and share our homemade goods with others! Through these means we hope to achieve our goal for Mountain in the Mist in engaging other people in the pleasures of living through our eyes, as well as highlighting the importance of being well in every aspect of existence. There is nothing we enjoy more than visiting with other folks to share knowledge and appreciate each other’s company! 

Interested in an apiary or garden consulation?

Use this link to donate to our homestead, or to pay for services and goods directly!