Join Us

Are you interested in creating a life for yourself that offers a high level of fulfilment along with good physical and mental health? Have you thought about starting your own homestead but are unsure about what it really entails? There is no better way to learn than to immerse yourself into the experience, which is why we are striving to offer as many opportunities for experiential learning as we can here at the homestead!
Our diverse set of experiences, both on and off the farm, allow you to pick and choose the activities that inspire you the most. Check out our offerings below and let us know if you’d like to participate!  

Mountain in the Mist Farm Tour


Spend an hour wandering around the farm with us and see exactly how things get done. We’ll take a look at our sustainable livestock and land management practices, our perennial and annual gardening strategies, our off-grid water and energy production, and everything else that interests you!

Dive Into a Hive


Suit up and head deep inside one of the many active hives in our apiary! Bees are bee-yond captivating, and they are a critical critter for maintaining our happy planet. We’ll talk about bee biology, see how the colony works first-hand, and of course taste some delicious honey straight from the comb!

Forage for Mushrooms


We are fortunate to be blessed with a wide variety of fascinating and delicious wild mushrooms that grow here in Oregon! Book a trip to explore the forests with us in search of fungi, learning from our many years of experience hunting these elusive critters. We will roam around the pristine Oregon wilderness in search of Mother Nature’s treasures… Edible, medicinal, and awe-inspiring fungal finds await you on this foraging adventure!

Food Preservation


Unlike the perpetually stocked grocery store, personal food production tends to ebb and flow with the seasons– and something must be done to ensure that the bounty of harvest time does not go to waste before the dearth of winter arrives! In this experience we will discuss the various methods that we use to preserve the food we produce on the homestead and forage from the world around us, all without using the refrigerator. As a part of this discussion, we will of course have to try samples of foods preserved in different ways! 

Introduction to Soap Making


This is a fun, low-pressure, hands-on experience for anyone looking to learn a new craft or self-reliance skill. You will choose your own scents, colors, and even some extra ingredients that you might want to add fresh from the farm (e.g. beeswax, peppermint, lavender, etc). By the end of this experience you will have the knowledge and confidence to make bars of soap in the future using just a few common ingredients. You will also go home with your very first six bars of handmade soap that will be fully cured and ready to use in 4-6 weeks.

Farm to Table Meals


Nothing beats a home-grown, home-cooked meal delivered to you as you relax and enjoy the views from the porch. We are happy to offer both breakfast and dinner options with ingredients sourced primarily from the homestead and prepared fresh for you!

Introduction to Fiber Processing

In this workshop, you will join Emily as she shares some of the ways that we process fiber here on the homestead! You will begin this experience by meeting the sheep and the alpaca so that we can observe the differences between all of their fleeces. We will then have a discussion about the ways we shear the animals and take a look at the specialty tools we use. After the shearing discussion, we will walk through a brief demonstration of our fiber cleaning techniques. Finally, you will get the opportunity to use the freshly cleaned fiber to create your very own felted, woven or spun sample!


Interested in any of these?